Frequently Asked Questions about
Don Herbison-Evans,
Stella Crossley

The questions we answer here are :

  • How do I care for my Caterpillar?
  • Do some moths pose with head down, and tail up?
  • Do some moths pose with head up, and tail down?
  • What should I plant to make a Butterfly Garden?
  • If I run out of leaves of one plant, would it be ok to give the caterpillars leaves of another plant?
  • When will the butterfly or moth emerge from its chrysalis?
  • What is the difference between a cocoon and a chrysalis?
  • My Caterpillar has spun a cocoon and is lying motionless inside it. Is he dead?
  • My Caterpillar is arching back and staying motionless. Is he alright?
  • White grubs came out of my caterpillar or pupa, and have formed cocoons or pupae. What is going on?
  • Where do caterpillars live??
  • How can caterpillars and moths survive being immersed in water for hours, yet appear unharmed after drying out??
  • Where can I buy Butterflies and Caterpillars?
  • What is a Caterpillar?
  • Why use the difficult scientific names for species?
  • What do technical terms like thorax, termen, etc, mean?
  • Can some Caterpillars spit venom?
  • Why are all these caterpillars invading my house??
  • What is the Caterpillar that is eating my plants?
  • How has this caterpillar stung me?
  • What is the difference between a moth and a butterfly?
  • Why are the antennae of moths and butterflies different?
  • Can one tell the difference between the Caterpillar of a moth and that of a butterfly?
  • What is the biggest Australian butterfly/moth/caterpillar?
  • How do Caterpillars walk?
  • How many legs do Caterpillars have?
  • How many eyes do Caterpillars have?
  • How do Caterpillars breath?
  • Can Caterpillars hear?
  • Do Caterpillars drink?
  • Can moths and butterflies eat?
  • Do Caterpillars have sex?
  • How do I tell the sex of a Caterpillar / Butterfly / Moth?
  • Sometimes my Caterpillar wriggles almost frantically. Is this normal?
  • Which species of caterpillars and moths are pests?
  • How do I get rid of Caterpillar pests?
  • How long do Caterpillars live?
  • How long do butterflies and moths live?
  • How should I go about photographing and setting butterflies and moths?
  • Where have all the caterpillars and moths gone?
  • How can I identify a moth or butterfly?
  • Are any Australian Caterpillars carnivorous?
  • Why do Caterpillars spin silk?
  • My Caterpillar has fallen off its twig and looks sick. What is wrong with it?
  • Do any Caterpillars eat dung?
  • Are there any Australian moths that cannot fly?
  • Do birds love caterpillars?
  • How many caterpillars are known in Australia?

    Flowers in Australia
    Australian Butterflies
    Australian Moths
    Caterpillar FAQS

    (updated 24 March 2011, 29 March 2023)