(previously known as Digglesia diamphidia) LASIOCAMPINAE, LASIOCAMPIDAE, BOMBYCOIDEA | (donherbisonevans@yahoo.com) and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of CSIRO/BIO Photography Group,
Centre for Biodiversity Genomics,
University of Guelph)
The adult moths of this species have brown forewings each shading to rusty brown at the margin. The hindwings are rusty brown, each shading to pale yellow along the costa.
The species is found in Australia in:
Further reading :
A. Jefferis Turner,
New Australian Lepidoptera,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland,
Volume 47 (1936), p. 47.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | imagoes | caterpillar |
(written 14 April 2020, updated 18 March 2021)