(previously known as : Margaronia atlitalis) SPILOMELINAE, CRAMBIDAE, PYRALOIDEA | (donherbisonevans@yahoo.com) and Bart Hacobian & Stella Crossley |
The Caterpillars of this species have been found feeding on:
The adults are a beautiful green colour, with a brown line around the edge of fore wing. They have a wing span of about 3 cms. They are found in south-east ASia in
and in Australia in
Further reading :
Ian F.B. Common,
Moths of Australia,
Melbourne University Press, 1990, pl. 9.23, p. 358.
Francis Walker,
Catalogue of Lepidoptera Heterocera,
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum,
Part 18 (1859), p. 533, No. 36.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 29 November 2011, 6 December 2020)