Fam. TORTRICIDJE. Acropolitis ptychosema, n.sp. 11""TtJXOcr1Jp;o~, ruR.tked on the fold. J. 28-30 mm. Head and thorax grey; face fuscous Palpi 3; fuscous; base and most of internal surface whitish. Antennre fuscous; in C slightly dentate, ciiiatians 1. Ab- domen pale-grey. Legs fuscous mixed with whitish; tarsi annulated with whitish; posterior pair mostly whitish. Fore- wings suboblong, costa moderately arched, apex rectangular, termen rounded, slightly oblique; costal fold in 6' moderately broad, reaching to 1/3; grey with patchy ferruginous irrora- tion; no defined basal patch, median fascia, or costal triangle, but the latter two may be indicated by some darker grey suffusion on costa; a series of fuscous and ferruginous costal dots or short strigulae; a blackish line on subdorsal fold from near base to middle, surrounded by some ferruginous suffusion; a short blackish median line from 1/3 not reaching 2/3, edg- ed beneath with ferruginous, sometimes surrounded by dark- grey suffusion; sometimes an incomplete series of ferrugin- ous strigulae from 2/3 costa to termen above tornus; terminal edge interruptedly fuscous; cilia whitish-grey, sometimea suffused with ferruginous, sometimes with a few fuscous dots. Hindwings with termen slightly sinuate; 6 and 7 connate; pale grey with transverse strigulae of darker grey especially towards apex. Characterised by the obsolescence of usual markings ana ferruginous suffusion of forewings, and especially by the blackish streak on fold. Cradle MoUntain (3,000 ft.) in January; two specimens