(formerly known as Simaethis albimaculana) BRENTHIINAE, CHOREUTIDAE, SESIOIDEA | (donherbisonevans@yahoo.com) and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of
Bishop Museum, Hawaii)
The Caterpillars of this species are pale yellow and grow to a length of about 6 mm.
The adults have dark brown wings with white patches.
The species has been found in
and in Australia in
Further reading :
Pieter Cornelius Tobias Snellen,
Drie Nieuwe Choreutinen,
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,
Volume 18 (1875), pp. 77-78, and also
Plate 6, fig. 5.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 2 March 2009, 21 March 2015, 1 September 2019, 26 June 2021)