Banded Heath Moth OENOCHROMINAE, GEOMETRIDAE, GEOMETROIDEA | ( and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of Jenny Holmes, Great Western, Victoria)
The adults of this species are white or pale brown with variabke, sometimes striking, grey, brown and black markings on each forewing, including a simply arced ante-medial line, and an undulating post-medial line. The hindwings are plainer, with some markings at each tornus. The females have thread-like antennae. The males have antennae with a feather-like fringe on one side. The wingspan is about 2 cms.
The species has been found in:
Further Reading
Peter Marriott,
Moths of Victoria: Part 4,
Emeralds and Allies - GEOMETROIDEA (B),
Entomological Society of Victoria, 2012, pp. 22-23.
Louis Beethoven Prout,
Geometridae, subfamily Oenochrominae,
Genera Insectorum,
Fascicules 104 (1910), p. 27, No. 45 (4).
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 20 June 2013, 24 September 2023)