(previously known as Crambus bifractella) CRAMBINAE, CRAMBIDAE, PYRALOIDEA | (donherbisonevans@yahoo.com) and Stella Crossley |
Photo: courtesy of Buck Richardson, from
Tropical Queensland Wildlife from Dusk to Dawn Science and Art
The adult moths have forewings that are pale brown, with fractured white stripes. The hindwings are pale brown. The moths have a wingspan of about 2 cms.
The species has been found in Australia in :
Further reading :
Ian F.B. Common,
Moths of Australia,
Melbourne University Press, 1990, pls. 8.31, 25.15, p.351.
Buck Richardson,
Tropical Queensland Wildlife from Dusk to Dawn Science and Art,
LeapFrogOz, Kuranda, 2015, p. 28.
Francis Walker,
Crambites & Tortricites,
List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum,
Part 27 (1863), p. 174, No. 127.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 13 November 2011, 2 April 2019, 22 May 2021)