Azalea Leafminer (one synonym : Gracilaria anthracosperma Meyrick, 1931) GRACILLARIINAE, GRACILLARIIDAE, GRACILLARIOIDEA | ( and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of
Lyle J. Buss, University of Florida)
The caterpillars of this species are an international pest. They are yellow, and mine the leaves of :
They grow to a length of about 2 cms. They have only eight prolegs, and are unusual in having a U-shaped arrangement (penellipse) of crochets on the prolegs. The caterpillars pupate in the leaf they have been mining, which usually curls over.
The adult moths are yellow with purple markings, and have a wingspan of about 2 cms.
The species occurs in many parts of the world, including :
and was introduced by unfortunate accident into Australia, where it is now found in:
Further reading :
Ian F.B. Common,
Moths of Australia,
Melbourne University Press, 1990, fig. 20.10, pp. 198-199.
Antonius Brants,
Mededeeling te doen van eene, zeer belangrijke waarneming van den Phytopathologischen Dienst. In: verslag van de acht- en- zestigste Zomervergadering der Nederlandse entomologische vereeniging.: LXX–LXXII,
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,
Volume 56 (1913), pp. LXX-LXXII.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 22 January 2013, 6 December 2024)