Pale-shouldered Purple Cloud (one synonym is Chloantha dilutior Wagner, F. 1909) HADENINAE, NOCTUIDAE, NOCTUOIDEA | ( and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of Axel Hausmann,
SNSB, Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen)
The Caterpillars of this species have been found feeding on the leaves of
The adult moths are greyish brown, each forewing having a pattern of dark zigzag lines and pale splotches. The hindwings are pale brown, darkening toward the margins.
The species occurs in Europe and the Middle East, including
The caterpillars of Actinotia hyperici were introduced into Australia in 1985-86 in order to control the exotic and noxious weed St. John's Wort, but the species appears to have failed to become established.
Further reading:
M.H. Julien,
Biological control of Weeds: A world catalogue of agents and their target weeds,
Wallingford : C.A.B. International (1992), p. 53.
F. Wagner,
Einige neue Lepidopterenformen,
Entomologische Zeitschrift,
Volume 23 (1909), p. 18.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(written 6 January 2019)