(formerly known as Hydriomena psarodes) XANTHORHOINI, LARENTIINAE, GEOMETRIDAE, GEOMETROIDEA | (donherbisonevans@yahoo.com) and Stella Crossley |
(Photo: courtesy of
Elaine McDonald,
Nicholls Rivulet, Tasmania)
The adult moth of this species has fawn wings crossed by a number of dark zig-zag lines. There is a small black elongated spot near the middle of each forewing. The moths have a wingspan of about 2.5 cms.
The species has only been found in
A. Jefferis Turner,
Revision of Australian Lepidoptera: Family Geometridae,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria,
Volume 16 (1904), pp. 253-254, No. 62.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(written 16 July 2019)