Some Lepidoptera photos by
Ken Harris

Morwell National Park


11: I came home from a walk in Morwell National Park on 8th April 2002 and found the caterpillar on the back of my neck. Its hairs were somewhat irritating. I had no idea what plant it was on, but the trees where I had been walking were mostly Eucalypts and Blackwoods. I placed it in a jar with some Eucalypt leaves and some Blackwood leaves. It accepted the Blackwood ( Acacia melanoxylum ) leaves. I kept it supplied with leaves for 3-4 weeks, which it ate regularly. The caterpillar grew to about 4 to 5 cm long. It then began to weave a cocoon, which was very hairy, as if the hairs from the outside of the caterpillar had been incorporated in the cocoon. It pupated inside the cocoon, which was attached to a Blackwood stem and leaves. The pupa inside was a dark chocolate colour.
Probably Anthela nicothoe

12: number 11 again
probably Anthela nicothoe

While exploring the top of Mt. Buffalo,, one of the Latrobe Valley Field Nats discovered this beautiful caterpillar in a pea shrub (Bossiaea foliosa) underneath snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora).
Chenuala heliaspis

I have just discovered that we found a second specimen of the same caterpillar two days later at another spot on top of Mt. Buffalo It would suggest a liking for the Alpine environment..
Chenuala heliaspis

Larva Pterolocera rubescens

Cocoon Pterolocera rubescens

Pupa Pterolocera rubescens

Female Pterolocera rubescens


pupa and cocoon of
Ardices glatignyi

15: Thallarcha partita,
imperfect specimen,
found on the ground on a track in
Morwell National Park,
16 October 2004


Carposina latebrosa,
Mallacoota, Victoria


Leptozestis harmosta,
Genoa, Victoria


Eurybela trophoessa

29: Hednota grammellus

28: Hednota opulentellus,

36: Deuterarcha xanthomela

Metasia capnochroa

9: Tipanaea patulella,
photographed in a salt marsh
in the Gippsland Lakes in Victoria,
20 November 1993.


Eutorna leptographa,
Alpine National Park, Victoria


0: unidentified caterpillar
possibly Oenochroma species
photographed on Hakea species
(probably Hakea lissosperma)
in Tasmania, 30 January 1982

1: unidentified moth,
possibly Scioglyptis species
photographed at Churchill, Victoria, 9 March 2002.

26: Epidesmia chilonaria

27: Phelotis cognata

16: Ectropis excursaria ?

31: Chrysolarentia insulsata

34: Chrysolarentia lucidulata,

Scopula rubraria

44: Dichromodes stilbiata

Monoctenia falernaria

30: Epyaxa hyperythra,

Oxyphanes thiobapta

Apodasmia rufonigraria

20: Chrysiphona ocultaria,

21: Chrysiphona ocultaria,

22: Oenochroma vinaria,

Chloroclystis metallospora

Chloroclystis metallospora


25: Oxycanus antipoda

10: Trictena atripalpis
photographed in Churchill on 4 May 1993.

13: Oxycanus dirempta

14: Abantiades hyalinatus

17: Abantiades labyrinthicus

33: Abantiades labyrinthicus


35: Hesperilla ornata,

23: Ocybadistes walkeri


24: Genduara acedesta


7: Iropoca rotundata,
photographed in the Victorian Alps, 5 November 1994.


5: Cruria synopla,
photographed in Sydney, 19 January 1988.

8: Persectania ewingii,
photographed on the Bogong High Plains, 8 November 1998.

18: Persectania ewingii

19: Persectania ewingii

6: Fodina ostorius,
photographed at the Den of Nargun Reserve on the MacAlister River, Victoria, 13 January 2001.

Praxis porphyretica


32: larva of
Vanessa itea

40: Geitoneura minyas


41: Catacometes hemiscia

42: Drepanocera microstigmata

Garrha limbata

42: Myrascia bracteatella

43: Periallactis monostropha

Pholeutis neolecta

Stathmopoda cephalaea


2: Lepidoscia cataphracta,
live moth, length 1.5 cms, photographed on a stem of Carex appressa, Morwell National Park, 4 November 2001

39: Lepidoscia guildingi


Stenoptilia phaeonephes


37: Gauna aegusalis


3: Agrius convolvuli
on Morning glory Ipomoea indica in Churchill, Victoria, 27 December 1989

4: Agrius convolvuli
caterpillar also on Ipomoea indica photographed in Churchill, Victoria, 26 March 1989,


Mesopherna palustris


Coeloptera vulpina

Merophyas therina

38: Oxysemaphora notialis

Technitis oriarcha
During a field naturalists camp-out, I was light-trapping for moths in Mt. Buffalo National Park and on the evening of 2/2/2018 I was set up on the cricket oval on the top of Mt. Buffalo close to the Chalet. A moth that was new to me came to the light and I eventually found it under the name Tortrix oriarcha. Further research shows that the ALA and Faunal Directory use the name Technitis oriarcha.


Zelleria cyanoleuca

and the following Caterpillar food plants :

  • Backhousia myrtifolia
  • Brachychiton discolor
  • Brachychiton populneus
  • Caesalpinia pulcherrima
  • Dichanthium sericeum
  • Eucalyptus caesia
  • Eucalyptus leucoxylon
  • Halgania cyanea
  • Hypericum calycinum
  • Lomandra multiflora
  • Macroptilium atropurpureum
  • Macroptilium lathyroides
  • Marsdenia rostrata
  • Marsdenia suaveolens
  • Melaleuca gibbosa
  • Parsonsia straminea
    Don Herbison-Evans

    (updated 15 March 2005, 22 June 2024)