Cotton Looper (one synonym : Cosmophila indica Guenée, 1852) SCOLIOPTERYGINAE, EREBIDAE, NOCTUOIDEA | ( and Stella Crossley |
early instar
(Photo: Don Herbison-Evans, Sydney, New South Wales)
This Caterpillar is long and green, with yellowish bands between segments. It is missing one pair of prolegs, so it moves like a looper, although not related to the true loopers in GEOMETRIDAE.
The caterpillar is often found in gardens on:
and is an agricultural pest on :
The caterpillars are inclined to lie along a vein on the underside of a leaf. The caterpillars damage the leaves of their foodplant in a characteristic pattern.
Old Chinese drawings of Hibiscus show damage to the leaves that is similar in pattern to this which we observed on the bushes in Sydney (Anomis flava is found in China). The caterpillar grows to a length of about 4 cms.
The adult moth is brown, with an outlined pale spot near the middle, and zigzag lines across, each forewing.
The species is superficially similar to Anomis lyona but differs in having curvier lines between the forewing coloured bands.
The eggs are green and flattened. They are laid on the undersides of leaves of a foodplant beside the veins.
The species occurs around most of the world including :
and also in Australia in
Further reading :
Ian F.B. Common,
Moths of Australia,
Melbourne University Press, 1990, fig. 44.12, pp. 65, 449.
Johan Christian Fabricius,
Historiae Natvralis Favtoribvs,
Systema Entomologiae,
1775, p. 601, No. 46.
Buck Richardson,
Tropical Queensland Wildlife from Dusk to Dawn Science and Art,
LeapFrogOz, Kuranda, 2015, p. 125.
caterpillar | butterflies | Lepidoptera | moths | caterpillar |
(updated 4 May 2013, 22 January 2024)